Metro Tube Cracked XAP For WP 8.1 Is Here !

Metro Tube
YouTube. Beautifully designed. The #1 TOP rated YouTube app on the marketplace!
  • “Metrotube.. Awesome! Everybody says this, Metrotube is fantastic. It is so good, it’s a great YouTube client.”
    – Mashable (Christina Warren)
  • “Metrotube is our top app from the Marketplace this Christmas.”
    – Conversations by Nokia (Official)
  • “We took the app for a spin last week and walked away *very* impressed”
    – WPCentral
  • “a stylish YouTube app for Windows Phone”
    – The Guardian
  • “The Metrotube user experience is incredible”
    – The Nokia Blog
  • “An easy five stars”
    – T3 App ChartDownloads
    Metro Tube – WP Store